Getting Personal About Race and "Transracial" Families (w/ Sheena Mason and Kevin Currie-Knight)

May 23, 2022 01:21:52
Getting Personal About Race and "Transracial" Families (w/ Sheena Mason and Kevin Currie-Knight)
Getting Personal About Race and "Transracial" Families (w/ Sheena Mason and Kevin Currie-Knight)

May 23 2022 | 01:21:52


Show Notes

Sheena (SUNY Oneanta) and Kevin (East Carolina University) continue an ongoing conversation about the idea of race and Sheena's arguments about racelessnes. This episode gets more personal about Sheena's and Kevin's respective connections to "transracial" families. Sheena was adopted into a "transracial" family and Kevin is adopting a daughter who is differently raced than he. What does all of this mean for how we should think about race, racism, and the idea of racelessness?

:009 - Sheena's book on racelessness will be out soon
10:33 - Kevin and Sheena get personal about racialization and their connections to "transracial" adoption.
31:24 - Different ways that different people experience and talk about racialization. Kevin talks about 'the wrong kind of colorblindness."
41:13 - All the ways in which race is a clunky signifier 53:08 - The ways race unavoidably limits us. Can racelessness liberate us?
1:13:13 - Kevin talks to his son about race with the help of a t-shirt and a children's book.

Kevin's article ("Race Talk") that is referred to in the middle of the show:

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