I spoke with Robert Talisse of Vanderbilt University about his new book "Sustaining Democracy: What We Owe to the Other Side " (Oxford UP, 2021).
2:00 - The relationship between “Sustaining Democracy” and “Overdoing Democracy”
17:45 - The democrat’s dilemma and the conflict between the two moral requirements of democratic citizenship.
32:45 - Group/Belief Polarization. Partisan politics and conformism.
47:30 - More in depth on group/belief polarization.
54:01 - Robert’s recommendations on how best to address group/belief polarization: focus on its effects in-group, rather than across groups.
57:00 - Robert: Healthy democratic citizenship requires more solitude.
1:09:00 - Dan: Is this perhaps better viewed as a problem of catastrophic, system-wide immaturity? Is a clash of fundamental moral principles the best lens through which to frame the problem.
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