Sophie Grace Chappell (Open University) talks with Kevin (East Carolina University) about her book Epiphanies: An Ethics of Experience. They talk about what epiphanies are, why they should count as a type of reason (often more persuasive than more formal conceptions of reason), and why philosophers should better appreciate their role in everyday moral life.
00: Intros, and Why Sophie Teaches at the Open University
5:37 - What Are Epiphanies and Why Are They Important to Philosophy?
16:06 - How Moral Experience and Thinking Work in the Real World
21:08 - Epiphanic Experience, Empathy, and the Debate Over Abortion Rights
29:03 - Epiphanies and Moral Monism, Relativism and (Sophie's Preference) Pluralism
47:18 - Why Are Most Philosophers Reluctant to Acknowledge "Noncognitive" Factors in Moral Life?
What distinguishes “action” from simple motor movement? ... Can animals take deliberate action? ... Why narrative has a place in science and physics ......
The new issue of Milton's comic book, Thompson Heller: Detective Interstellar ... Christopher Hitchens' influence on Milton's comic ... The anxieties of robot personhood...
Crispin Sartwell (Dickinson College, Entanglements) returns to Sophia to talk about the issues he has with compulsory, state-sponsored k-12 education. 10:50 - Crispin’s schooling...