The Role of Epiphanies in Everyday Life (w/ Sophie Grace Chappell)

November 04, 2022 01:00:46
The Role of Epiphanies in Everyday Life (w/ Sophie Grace Chappell)
The Role of Epiphanies in Everyday Life (w/ Sophie Grace Chappell)

Nov 04 2022 | 01:00:46


Show Notes

Sophie Grace Chappell (Open University) talks with Kevin (East Carolina University) about her book Epiphanies: An Ethics of Experience. They talk about what epiphanies are, why they should count as a type of reason (often more persuasive than more formal conceptions of reason), and why philosophers should better appreciate their role in everyday moral life.

00: Intros, and Why Sophie Teaches at the Open University
5:37 - What Are Epiphanies and Why Are They Important to Philosophy?
16:06 - How Moral Experience and Thinking Work in the Real World
21:08 - Epiphanic Experience, Empathy, and the Debate Over Abortion Rights
29:03 - Epiphanies and Moral Monism, Relativism and (Sophie's Preference) Pluralism
47:18 - Why Are Most Philosophers Reluctant to Acknowledge "Noncognitive" Factors in Moral Life?

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