African Philosophy and Doing Philosophy from a Place (w/ Bruce Janz and Kevin Currie-Knight)

June 13, 2021 01:18:03
African Philosophy and Doing Philosophy from a Place (w/ Bruce Janz and Kevin Currie-Knight)
African Philosophy and Doing Philosophy from a Place (w/ Bruce Janz and Kevin Currie-Knight)

Jun 13 2021 | 01:18:03


Show Notes

In this discussion, Bruce Janz (Central Florida) talks about his interest in African philosophy, and the importance of recognizing that all philosophy is affected by, and done from, a "place." We talk about what that means for how African philosophy can differ from philosophy in "the West" and the challenges this poses for Western ways of philosophy.

5:29 - Why and How a White Canadian Became Taken with African Philosophy
18:53 - How and why African philosophy has had to prove that it has a valid place in philosophy
26:31 - How African philosophy can help us highlight the importance of place/location to a philosophy's shape.
36:45 - The underrated importance of audience to how philosophy is done
49:07 - What does it mean to do philosophy from an African (and often colonized) place?
1:00:02 - Does the importance of place and "positionality" in philosophy mean the genetic isn't a fallacy?

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