Kevin Currie-Knight (East Carolina University) and Andrew Jason Cohen (Georgia State University) are both philosophers who have experience providing foster homes to children. In this video, they talk about their experiences fostering and the philosophical elements of foster care.
0:11 Introduction, Andrew's Philosophical Work, and Teaching Online During COVID
8:56 Why Kevin, Andrew, and Their Families Foster Children
23:43 Being Attached to and Developing Bonds with Kids Who Aren't (Biologically or Legally) "Yours"
30:57 Should Reunification with Biological Parents Be the Overriding Goal?
47:27 Should Race be a Factor in Deciding Where to Place or Raise Foster Children?
57:58: Kevin: Fostering Has Taught Me More Empathy (for Struggling Biological Parents)
1:06:39 Jason and His (Foster-Care-Inspired) Argument that Parents Should be Licensed
1:19:56 Similarities and Differences Between Drivers' Licensing and Parental Licensing
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