Robert Gressis (California State Northridge) and Kevin Currie-Knight (East Carolina University) hae a wide-ranging conversation about the (fraught?) relationship between schooling, learning, and A-F grading. The discussion centers around an essay Currie-Knight wrote called Against the Grade Economy:
00:02:36 Rob and Kevin make small talk
00:07:01 Kevin describes and laments the grade economy
00:36:07 What's the relationship between grades and learning?
00:57:19 Bryan Caplan's "The Case Against Education" and how it has traumatized Rob
01:05:58 Unschooling
01:21:35 If schools sucks so much, how did Rob and Kevin learn?
Are we really as social as the Stoics believed? ... Distinguishing between the “objective” and the “real”... ... ...and between the “real” and representations...
The second in a planned series of dialogues between Sheena Mason (SUNY Oneonta) and Kevin Currie-Knight (East Carolina) on philosophies of race. In this...
In this dialogue, Robert Gressis (UCal Northridge) and Hugo Mercier ( French National Center for Scientific Research, Not Born Yesterday) discuss how human belief...