E. John Winner and Dan Kaufman (Electric Agora) talk about the Marx Brothers and their relationship to American Comedy.
1:30 Vaudeville, Burlesque, and Musical Theater
11:20 The Jewish Marx Brothers and “Playing in Peoria”
22:00 Writing for the Marx Brothers / Relationship with George Kaufman
27:40 Becoming the Marx Brothers
34:00 Marxian Themes
55:30 The Marx Brothers and post WWII Jewish Comedy
1:00:00 The Marx Brothers and American Comedy
What are persons? ... Why don't we say "my legs went to the store"? ... Actions and intentions ... The case of the robot...
00:35 About Lise van Boxel and St. John’s College 06:00 Nietzsche and Nihilism 12:50 The Good, the Transcendent, and Nihilism 19:00 Philosophy as Genealogy...
The second in a planned series of dialogues between Sheena Mason (SUNY Oneonta) and Kevin Currie-Knight (East Carolina) on philosophies of race. In this...