In this wide ranging discussion, Kevin talks with youtuber Lewis Waller, of the philosophy/history youtube channel Then and Now. They talk about youtube as a venue for intellectual content, how and why Lewis does what he does with his channel, how postmodern influences his (and Kevin's) intellectual approach, and more.
00:00:07 - Introductions and Elon Musk, Not Necessarily in That Order
00:04:46 - How Lewis Got Started as a Youtuber with Then and Now
00:12:40 - Youtube, "Democratized" Media and Changes in How Knowledge Circulates
00:22:28 - The Economics (and Day-to-Day) of Being and Independent Content Creator
00:34:12 - What Lewis is Working on Next: A (Postmodern?) History of the Enlightenment
00:46:10 - The Weaponization of Postmodernism (Particularly on the Cultural Right)
00:53:52 - Are We Living in Postmodern Times? Is This For the Good or the Bad... or Both?
01:00:26 - Lewis: Modernism and Postmodernism are Two Sides to the Same Coin, Kevin: Postmodernism is a Diagnosis, Not a Cause
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